
7th Annual 24-hour student hackathon organized by NU ACM Student Chapter


13-14 April


Nazarbayev University

Astana, KZ


In teams of 2-4

Few key things about HackNU
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24 hour hackathon

novices & amateurs

engineers, developers & designers


One of the largest annual university hackathons in Central Asia. Hosted at Nazarbayev University by the NU Student Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery.
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NU ACM Student Chapter (@nuacmsc) is a branch of international organization ACM –Association for Computing Machinery. We have started our work in 2017. We believe that software engineering and computer science are cutting-edge fields that differ from other sciences.


13-14 April

Saturday, 13 April
> Check-in
> Opening Ceremony
> Coding Start
> Q&A with Judges
> Coffee-break
> Games
Sunday, 14 April
> Submissions Deadline
> Coffee-break
> Pitching
> Closing Ceremony
Our lovely sponsors
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Our info-partners
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What is a hackathon?


Who runs HackNU?


What’s the cost?


Will HackNU be fully in-person this year?


Will I annoy people if I ask them questions?




How do I participate in a hackathon?


Can I attend?


Do I need to have a team before I participate in a hackathon?


What is the deadline for team registration?


What if I don’t have a team?


Do you really want to solve that problem?


Can teams with more than 4 people participate?


Why might some teams not be allowed to participate?



Venue and Logistics

What should participants who are not students of Nazarbayev University do to obtain a pass to the campus?


Where will the opening ceremony take place?


Where is the registration area located?


Where will the hackathon take place?


Why is it advisable for teams to be at the venue for the first 9 hours?


Are there any rules about where to eat during the hackathon?


Will non-NU participants be given a bed in the dormitory?


Do teams have to be at the venue for the entire 24 hours of offline participation?



Project Development

Is it possible to change the chosen track?


How are hackathon projects evaluated?


What if I don’t want to present my hack?


How do I come up with an idea for a hackathon project?


Can I use any programming language or technology for my project?



Benefits and Other

What are the benefits of participating in a hackathon?


How and when will I hear back?


I don’t want to hack, I want to ________!


How can I stay updated with what is going on at the event?


I didn’t find my question here!
